Back pain
Range of Motion, also known as ROM, is the range in which a joint can be moved. This is normally determined by the type of joint, its articular surface and the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that control its movement. 
Commonly used to measure the moment of the ankles, knees, hips, elbows, shoulders, wrists, and fingers, ROM measurements can be taken over time to assess changes in motion, recovery and whether an individual’s ROM is within the expected range. 
ROM is usually measured in a circle, and the joint movement can either be active, passive or combination of the two. It’s used to assess, preserve or increase the arc of joint motion. 

Limited Range of Motion 

Limited range of motion occurs when a joint loses some or all its ability to move freely. Motion may be limited because of a problem within the joint, swelling of the tissues surrounding the joint, stiffness in the muscles or pain. 

Range of Motion Exercises 

Range of motion exercise refers to activity that is aimed at improving the movement of a specific joint. This motion is influenced by the bone surface, joint capsule and ligaments, tendons and muscles that act on and surround the joint. 
If you’re experiencing reduced movement, discomfort or pain in one of your joints, the three types of Range of Motion exercises we practice at Fire & Earth are: 
• Passive 
• Active 
• Active Assisted 

Passive ROM 

Passive ROM is the movement applied to the during a session with one of our therapists. When passive ROM is applied, the joint is in a completely relaxed position and the therapist can move the joint throughout its available ROM. 

Active ROM 

Active Assisted ROM is when the joint is receiving partial assistance from the therapist. 

Reasons For ROM Testing 

Individuals with full Range of Motion often perform better when it comes to daily and sporting activities and are less likely to suffer from injuries. There are many reasons why somebody may need to have their ROM tested, these examples include: 
Joint Swelling and Stiffness 
Rheumatoid Arthritis 
Joint Injuries 
Injury to the joint, muscle, or ligament 
If you have noticed a reduction in Range of Motion or are struggling with joint pain, get in touch with one of talented therapists at FEMA today. 
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